Wednesday, August 06, 2008 Martins!!!!

Batgirl based on the awesome Andi Watson's design.

well Batgirl it never was my favorite character from Batman series but...when I saw that one, wow! it's just amazing!!XD
I hope you to enjoy!

and here's a little "how I did that" process...:P

1.the day when I found the Andi Watson flickr page...

2.After a bunch of sketches....mmm I liked...

3.A very quick color study.

Thank you!

Why so serious?


Dan szilagyi said...

haha very cute little joker at the end there!
"you want to see a magic trick? BAM...ta da!"
it was such an awesome film, i should post some work with batman soon too


Unknown said...

Oi lexei é a carla. Nossa muito legal
seus desenhos. Parabés!
Espero que continue assim."hahaha"
Beijos de sua priminha Carlinha

Andy C. said...

Ahh. Sweet discovery. Fun Batgirl and Joker :)

What a coincidence - I sort of did a Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) piece.

Anonymous said...


Alexei Martins said...

hahaha!!!yeah!!Thank you very much!!!everyone!!!!!

Ken said...

hey thanks for sharing your process! and cool final result!

Ryan Khatam said...

that is a really cute bat girl!!

Aleta Vidal said...

what a beautiful drawings!

Dan szilagyi said...

Sorry still no Batman post just yet, but i promise something soon in the next post.
Thanks alot for the comments my friend!


DINTOONS said...

sweet process... and a sweetly finished batgal!! cheers alexei!! :o)