Sunday, November 02, 2008 Martins!!!

well just some sketches I'm doing lately...hope you to enjoy!

Elena a character from street fighter III

Kawamoto Makoto a Japanese musician



Yusuke Sato said...

thanks for the comment!
some unique cute style u got there :) And pretty kool water color stuff too.freakin' okami and katamari and stuff, pretty awesome.

Unknown said...

Your character drawings get bette even time! :) wonderful drawings !

Alexei Martins said...

Yusuke Sato:Thanks a lot dude!!:)

Alina Chau:WOW!!Thank you very very much Alina, it's a pleasure!!!

Ken said...

lovin the guitar girl dude :D

Anonymous said...

especially the guitar piece

victoriaying said...

wow! your work as so much appeal!

Andy C. said...

Nice sketches! Go go Street Fighter and guitar gal!

Alexei Martins said...

Ken: Thank you man!!!:D

Goobeetsablog: Thanks a lot!!!

C.B. Canga: Thanks!!

victoriaying: Wow!!!Thank you!!

shou':Thank you!!!also, love your street fighter piece too!!!

Thank you everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Paul Tuller said...

the girl with the guitar is very cute! Nice shading

Alexei Martins said...

PaulSketch: hey!thank you!!!